
The PANDORA Foundation was established because of the experience scientists always make whenever they publish research results that are in the way of politics and industry. One example is the dispute on possible health risks from electromagnetic fields, especially from mobile communication radiation.

Professor Franz Adlkofer organized and coordinated the EU-funded REFLEX project between 1999 and 2004. Contrary to all expectations the project finished with the conclusion that – in isolated human cells – electromagnetic fields are able to change the structure and the function of genes. We published a document on how politics and industry finally dealt with these results.

During the REFLEX preparations we also asked the mobile communication industry for support. After presenting the project, a scientist working closely to industry remarked that with it we will open ‘Pandora’s box’. Although funding was refused by industry, the Foundation had its name: PANDORA. According to the Greek myth all evils of the world were released by opening the box, but also hope after opening it again. We count on the hope!

What is valid for mobile communication radiation goes also for other areas. We find many cases in which politics and industry – for economic reasons – leave us in the dark about certain risks. In order to maintain this state independent research receives no funding. Thus, research results are prevented that might be in the way of special interests. To give independent science a chance – that is the commitment of the PANDORA Foundation.


Purpose of the Foundation is the promotion of free and independent scientific research as a counterbalance to research dominated by the interests of politics and industry. Funds will preferentially be provided to non-profit organisations, universities and other research institutes in Europe that own the capacity to carry out high-ranking research projects.

The aims of the Foundation will be achieved by

  • supporting research projects that, free from economic interests, deal with issues relevant for the health of the people
  • establishing a network of scientists and independent research organisations that meet the requirements necessary for a gain in knowledge
  • procuring funds pursuant to ยง 58 No. 1 of the German Tax Code to promote these aims.


Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer,

Prof. Dr. Michael Kundi,

Prof. Dr. Karl Richter,
St. Ingbert

The Council can appoint members until the maximum number of 10 is reached. The Council members shall be persons with special expertise and experience in regard of the fulfilment of the Foundation’s aims. The Council members work on a voluntary basis.

Trustee and Executive Director: Andreas Kaffka, Hohen Neuendorf