
Please Donate!

To have scientists and research institutions with the necessary expertise work on socially relevant topics, the Foundation needs your donation. Donors may select one of the listed research projects their donation shall be used for. In case a donor does not select a project, the Council might add the donation to the Foundation’s assets (endowment). The income from these assets enable the Foundation to carry out its tasks.

Online DonationsĀ 

Online donations are now possible. Click on the button:

Deutsche Bank Berlin
Account 4 26 16 99 00 / Code 100 700 00
IBAN: DE18100700000426169900 / BIC: DEUTDEBBXXX

According to Ā§ 10 of the German Income Tax Law the Foundation es entitled to issue written confirmations for donations given for ots scientific purposes.

Should you have any questions or need help to transfer your donation please contact us >>>